1. Introduction Environmental, economic, and social sustainability are the three components of sustainability that are frequently mentioned when discussing sustainable development (Smart City Sweden, 2022). In line with…
1 Introduction Currently, Sweden, a welfare-state country, faces a shift in demography with the rapid growth of the elderly population. According to the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics,…
1 Introduction In this systematic literature review, we consult academic articles related to our research question: what is the impact of technology on social isolation for older persons…
1 Introduction The digital revolution has swept across the globe, transforming everything from commerce to healthcare (European Commission, 2020). Yet, amidst this progress, a digital divide persists –…
1 Inledning The rapid expansion of digital technologies is transforming society, impacting individuals across generations. However, the consequences of this digital revolution are not uniformly distributed, particularly among…
1 Inledning Skapandet av ett nytt företag är den vanligaste indikatorn på framgång i entreprenörskapsutbildning. Därför fokuserar utbildningen i entreprenörskap ofta på att lära eleverna de praktiska och…