Category: Ageing & Social Change
The Social Sustainability Issue of Loneliness and Social Isolation Among Swedish Elderly
1. Introduction Environmental, economic, and social sustainability are the three components of sustainability that are frequently mentioned when discussing sustainable development (Smart City Sweden, 2022). In line with sustainable development in Sweden, the Swedish government has created Agenda 2030 (Regeringskansliet, 2020) with plans for a sustainable society that guarantee inclusion across generational lines of young… Read more
Sweden’s Welfare System in the Face of an Ageing Society
1 Introduction Currently, Sweden, a welfare-state country, faces a shift in demography with the rapid growth of the elderly population. According to the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics, the percentage of the population aged 65 and over exceeded 20% in 2023, compared to less than 14% in 1970 (Statista, 2023), and by the year 2040… Read more
The Impact of Technology on Social Isolation for Older Persons in Sweden
1 Introduction In this systematic literature review, we consult academic articles related to our research question: what is the impact of technology on social isolation for older persons in Sweden? By focusing our study on social isolation, we examine a definite condition that has been associated with lower quality of life outcomes (Dahlberg, 2021) and… Read more
Bridging the Digital Divide for Older Persons in Sweden: A Human Rights-Based Approach
1 Introduction The digital revolution has swept across the globe, transforming everything from commerce to healthcare (European Commission, 2020). Yet, amidst this progress, a digital divide persists – a disparity in access to and effective use of digital technology (United Nations, 2019; Vassilakopoulou & Hustad, 2021). Sweden, a nation ranking fourth in the Digital Economy… Read more
The Impact of Digitalization on Population Ageing: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategies for Inclusivity
1 Inledning The rapid expansion of digital technologies is transforming society, impacting individuals across generations. However, the consequences of this digital revolution are not uniformly distributed, particularly among our growing ageing population. While digitalization offers the potential for improved connectivity, efficiency, and well-being among older persons, it also presents challenges, such as digital exclusion, privacy… Read more